Group course | Pushing your limits group course for adults

You climb on routes and / or boulders indoors and / or outdoors on a regular basis and you wish to boost your level through a new training cycle to achieve your objectives more efficiently and through greater difficulty. We will guide you and provide you with the technical, tactical (including mental preparation) and physical tools. Our coaching program throughout the course is both global and personalized.

  • Minimum level : 6b and you go climbing at least once a week.
  • Number of sessions (3-hour sessions): 8.
  • Number of participants : 4 to 8 people.
  • Location : Espace Vertical Grenoble and Le Labo.
  • Price: includes supervision, with or without entry to the gyms (you can choose when subscribing online), depending on whether or not you have a valid Year Pass to Espace Vertical / Le Labo .
  • Supervisor: Gabin Piat.

Espace Vertical Year Pass

If you wish to come and practice at the gyms independently, in addition to the lessons, it is possible to subscribe, when subscribing to the course, to an Espace Vertical Year Pass allowing you to come to the gyms whenever you want at a discounted rate : EV Year Pass (Grenoble + St Martin d'Hères): €368.10 or 3-gym Pass (EV Grenoble + St Martin d'Hères + Le Labo): €446.40. Contact us for this option

For those who already have a Year Pass, you will not be asked to pay for the entries. Just uncheck the entry box when subscribing to the course.

You can find us at :

  • Espace Vertical Grenoble: 22, rue Victor Lastella - 38000 Grenoble
  • Espace Vertical St Martin d'Hères: 18, rue Marceau Leyssieux - 38400 St Martin d'Hères
  • Le Labo: 56 Avenue Felix Viallet - 38000 Grenoble

Indicative schedule :

Session 1: assessment - Presentation and implementation of tools - EV3

Session 2: volume in routes - circuit training - EV3

Session 3: volume in boulders - Le Labo

Sessions 4: specific work on routes - resistance work - tactics - EV3

Session 5: specific work on boulders - strength, technique and tactics - Le Labo

Sessions 6:, Sessions 7: ...

Follow-up over one term / a whole year

a longer follow-up (10-session term or year of 30 sessions)

To achieve your goals, we will explore different areas of progression in climbing:

- technique: understanding movements, gestures, foot placement, coordination - physical: developing physical skills specific to climbing such as strength, flexibility, endurance and your capacity to recover - tactics: reading routes, memorizing, visualizing, rhythm, relaxing… - mindset: combativeness, positive visualization, positive approach to failures, keeping lucid during ongoing effort…

Beyond climbing, we will discuss warm-up methods, muscle building, stretching/mobility, as well as mental training exercises to adapt into your daily life or your personal sessions.

To get an idea of our working methods:

Before the first session, we will establish a state of play of the situation via a questionnaire.

The first session (3 hours) will allow us to refine the diagnosis of your current level and the time to discuss your objectives. After the warm-up, we will carry out a performance simulation including a max level route and a max level route after a "short" work.

The rest of the sessions will be developed according to your needs and following the axes of progress mentioned above. Climbing being a complex sport, the different axes can be combined during the sessions. For example: working on relaxation and recovery capacities during "volume" sessions, combativeness and endurance during sessions in max levels, or strength and gestures during route work sessions.

Even if the themes of each session will be common, they will be individually oriented according to the level and needs of everyone.

We will regularly carry out performance simulations so that we can observe the progression and maintain a high level of motivation.

Composition of a 10-session term: 3 sessions of 3 hours (first session, mid-quarter session and last session) + 7 sessions of 2 hours

2 groups: EV3 Wednesday evenings or EV4 Thursday evenings (Dates and times below)


includes supervision, with or without entrance fare to the gyms (you can choose when registering online), depending on whether or not you have a valid year-pass to Espace Vertical / Le Labo.

Espace vertical year-pass

If you would like to come and practice at the gym, independently, in addition to the classes, it is possible to subscribe, when registering, to an Espace Vertical year-pass allowing you to come to the gym whenever you want at a discounted rate: EV year-pass (Grenoble + St Martin d'Hères): €368.10 or 3-gym year-pass (EV Grenoble + St Martin d'Hères + Le Labo): €446.40. Contact us for this option

For those who already have a year-pass, you'll have to uncheck the entrance fees when registering).

Addresses of the gyms:

  • Espace Vertical Grenoble : 22, rue Victor Lastella - 38000 Grenoble
  • Espace Vertical St Martin d'Hères : 18, rue Marceau Leyssieux - 38400 St Martin d'Hères

Les cycles à venir


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